Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Euro-Pro 8660 Sewing Machine Manual

To test the bobbin thread tension, remove the bobbin case and bobbin from the machine and hold the bobbin case suspended by the thread. Shake it once or twice. If the tension is correct, the thread will unwind by about an inch or two. If the tension is too tight, it will not unwind. If the tension is too loose, the thread will unwind for more than two inches.Reserve sewing is used for locking the and of seams and where reinforcement is needed. At the and of seam, press down the reverse sewing lever and touch the foot control lightly.

The maximum zigzag stitch width for zigzag stitching is “5?; however, the width can be reduced on any pattern. The width increases as you move zigzag dial from “0?-”5?. get manual here